Youth TRAIN in Trades

The Youth TRAIN in Trades Program allows high school students to take pre-apprenticeship (technical) training that provides them with dual-credit (up to 32 credits) for high school courses and apprenticeship or industry training programs. Students can apply to pursue an apprenticeship career path to obtain the first level of technical training in a particular trade.  

Youth TRAIN in Trades Programs are tuition-free, however students are required to pay ancillary fees and materials.  Application process is competitive and space is limited.

Who Attends: Students in their grade 11 and 12 years

Facilitator: School Counsellor 

Dates: Second Semester (February) 

Location: UFV Trades and Tech, CSS, SSS, GWG or IHSS (depending on selected program)

Fees: Ancillary fees, books, clothes and tools range from $1,800 - $2,400 (depending on selected program)

See your School Counsellor for an Application.

Click here for a complete list of SD33 Youth TRAIN in Trades programs. 

Skilled Trades BC